Apr 16, 2012

Deadline - nuke post job script Update

recently I had to improve our postjobscript system: I did some code rewrite, now much more elegant. Here I post an example script, that converts the current job's output to half sized exr, and a mov.
These are the changes since the old script that is referred in my old post:
- No more batch file! Running nuke directly.
- Automatically finding the installed nuke from deadline list
- Handling multiple views (currently left-right as viewnames are hardcoded, I need to change that)
- Handling multiple job output sequences

But as usual there can be bugs, so if you find one, please report.
The process to use:
- Put the 2 scripts in a folder somewhere in the deadline repository (for example I use this: DeadlineRepository\scripts\PrePostTaskJobScripts\JobNukeConvert\)
- Edit the JobNukeConvert.py: change the path in line (65) that starts with:
arg= (" -x -F " + framesList + ... to point to the current location of the other python script
- Set the JobNukeConvert.py as a postjobscript from deadline monitor (job properties)
- That's it. It should spit out a half-res. converted exr sequence, and a mov for each job output sequence (will put beside the rendered sequence)
- Of course you need to modify the glt_deadlinepostjobscript_convert.py according to your needs (what kind of formats to convert to etc.), but if you have some knowledge of nuke-python, that can't be that hard. Or maybe I can help...

Let me know if doesn't work for some reason. Or if it does work :) You can donwnload it from here.
I hope someone finds it useful,


Apr 8, 2012

New gizmo - PaintTrajectory


I was watching some nice motiondesign lately (from Polynoid, great artists) and was wondering how to create nice animating thin lines in 3d space. Or at least how to draw a motionpath of something in 3d. I was experimenting with particles for a while but I found that way slow for this. But the great new python docs comes to rescue! I remembered a 2d solution for drawing a track with a paint node. And another one with projecting a 3d point to screenspace. So almost all credit goes to docs writer(s) (Frank Rueter I assume) I hacked together the 2 scripts, a bit rewrite here and there, and created a gizmo for it.
What is does:
Connect the viewing camera to cam input, and link a (animated) 3d point (that can be seen by the camera) to motionpath knob, and run. Spits out a rotopaint with the trajectory painted. In the paint node on stroke tab, set the pressure alters to size, and uncheck opacity (sorry, do it manually at this time), and you can see that the further the point from camera, the thinner the painted line. Change the brush size to make it thicker. If the bounding box clips the stroke, put a crop before the rotopaint.
Here is a picture showing what I'm talking about:

I hope someone find it useful, you can download it from here.
It's still very alpha, keep in mind.
By the way I plan to copy all my extension to nukepedia soon, just need to find some time to organize them :)