Oct 17, 2011

Nuke gizmo - SelectionWizard

Hi, as I promised, new gizmo coming (that makes working with many nodes much easier). It's a simple one, and it can be familiar for maya users. You can store node selection sets. Select a group of nodes, click on a set in the dropdown menu, and press "Replace with current selection". The names of the selected nodes will be written in the textfields. You can restore the selection anytime by pressing the button "Select chosen set". Currently there are 4 possible sets, but I'm planning to rewrite it soon to have the possibility to add any number of sets. Another plan is to make operations between the set and current selection (like union, intersection, subtraction etc.) Please comment, if you need these features, to urge me! :)
Download it here


  1. Hi Gabor,

    Thank you for sharing your gizmo. It is really helpful for selecting nodes. How about once I set the selection group, and I can select the nodes by select the pulldown?

    In my environment "Call changemultiknobs" button doesn't work well.
    Trackback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 2, in
    RunrimeError: changeKnobs: Unknown command

    I'm looking forward to your tool.
    Thanks again!

  2. Hi,
    thanks for the feedback! Your suggestion is not bad if I understand correctly, but it would make impossible to overwrite sets, after none of them are empty. I very often need to do this.
    The error message is because it calls an outside tcl function, which is not included in the gizmo (because it's not written by me) I used to use it to modify many knobs at once (until I wrote multiknobchanger gizmo:) You can download that tcl from here:
    ...just put it in a folder that is seen by nuke.
    Sorry for the confusion, and again, thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it!

  3. any one help me bcz some error in gizmo (blank error message) window whats the exact problem

  4. Are you sure it's not missing the above mentioned tcl script? If you don't have, try to put it where nuke can access it. Actually it shouldn't give blank message because of this, but I don't have other tip what can be wrong...
