Feb 5, 2011

Nuke 6.2, maya, scenemanagers

So now after finshing a project, using Nuke 6.1 for a long time (months), now we can try 6.2 version of nuke. It has really exciting new features, finally they built python 2.6! (You can think that okay that's not the feature I'd mentioned in the first place! :) It's good, because python 2.6 has official win64 build, and maya2011 is also using 2.6, so the so called scenemanager gui I'm started to develop for nuke, with alteration of course, but without conceptual changes, can be used later on for maya (or houdini). Actually I already coded a scenemanager for maya, but it was scripted in mel. We are using it for opening, saving, referencing scenes, assets, according to our inhouse name convention. Now I'm developing a similar gui for nuke, but this time with pyqt, now python 2.6, and it will be fetching all data from our project database. This will be later adapted for maya (if we had time).
If there's interest, maybe I can share screenshots, concepts, or code snippets/tips as I'm going with the development of the nuke scenemanager. Please comment if you would be interested in that! Thanks,


  1. It seems an exciting topic. I would like to know about how it works to help you and what concepts are behind it. Thanks.
